May 13,2019
Are you ready for our Thursday arvo double whamming? Placemaking tips and tricks, and potholes to be avoided! Don’t miss Tools for Digital Placemaking: Avoiding Digital Disasters! Or Beyond Tabula Rasa: Towards Deeper Place Engagement in Outer Suburbs. Find out…
May 10,2019
Regenerative development is understood through the work of Mang and Haggard (2016), Mang and Reed (2012), Sanford (2017), Plaut et al. (2012) and Cole (2012). It is not restorative development, or activation or revitalisation. Its aim is to deliver a…
March 25,2019
Place Week is a week-long series of activities that support and celebrate the work of those seeking to transform our public spaces into places where communities can come together. Last year, from the 20th to the 28th of May, Place…
Andrea Cook, Studio Leader Week nine in Studio D (Inclusive Public Spaces in Diverse Communities) was an outward looking week, with a guest lecture on Tuesday and then the student-organised pop up consultations and place activation on Thursday. On Tuesday,…
By Imogen Carr We began the past week with consideration of deliberative citizenship. In a planning context, deliberative processes involve citizens in determining solutions rather than simply consulting them after solutions have been determined. This transfer of power from the…
By Tracy Li + Brett Hannah Week 6 of the studio began with a site visit to undertake behavioural mapping. This was a key method of data collection that most students identified as part of their methodology and, as such,…
By Jacob Komesaroff + Yunbo Lou Week 5 commenced with a powerful and integral discussion with guest panelists at the North Richmond Community Health Centre. The panelists included: Hatice Yilmaz, Board Member of the HRCHC and Turkish Community Elder…
By Claudia Lombard + Matthew Mukhtar Studio 1 of Week 4 had regard to research methods and methodology. The class looked at different schools of thought and how they inform research design with particular regard to social research. We started…
By Chloe Lau + Winnie Liu Even though Collingwood is only 3 km away from Melbourne CBD, it is a suburb which is claimed to be economically diverse and is facing issues with prevalence of illicit drug use among the…